Take Food Lion Survey


Take Food Lion Survey

Talktofoodlion.com Survey of FAQ

  • How are questions posed in the TalkToFoodLion poll?

You are questioned about your most recent visit to a Food Lion store in the TalkToFoodLion survey. The questions focus on the store’s cleanliness, inventory size, and employee friendliness.

  • How much time does it take to complete the TalkToFoodLion questionnaire?

Typically, it takes five to ten minutes to complete the TalkToFoodLion survey.

  • Does completing the TalkToFoodLion survey get me anything?

Clients who complete the TalkToFoodLion form are eligible to win a $500 Food Lion gift card.

  • How is the winner of the TalkToFoodLion poll award selected?

Random selection is used to select the TalkToFoodLion survey prize winner from among all eligible entries.

  • Tell me more about the prize for the TalkToFoodLion poll.

Following the drawing, you will get communication from Food Lion if you are the winner of the gift from the TalkToFoodLion survey. The company will contact you by phone or email to notify you of your win.

Take Food Lion Survey

  • When is the TalkToFoodLion survey available for me to complete?

You can only complete the TalkToFoodLion survey once for each transaction.

  • Can I take a poll in a language other than English using TalkToFoodLion?

This is the only language available for the TalkToFoodLion survey.

For More Information Visit Talktofoodlion.com